Freelance or part-time PHP developer in the form of telecommuting , with knowledge and verifiable experience in the PHP/MySQL language (LAMP environment).
Freelance or part-time digital graphic designer in the form of telecommuting , with solid knowledge mainly in making Web/Mobile Sites and applications, including their layout, and creating pieces for said sites and social networks.
Community Manager freelance or part-time in the form of telecommuting with solid knowledge in Social Media and verifiable experience.
Freelance or part-time Marketing Analyst in the form of telecommuting . To collaborate in the design of the online marketing & communication strategy of our clients. Design and analyze reports to detect opportunities for improvement and create and execute improvements in the communication strategy.
Specialist in Google and Facebook Ads freelance or part-time in the form of telecommuting. That they are passionate about marketing and have experience in creating and monitoring digital media campaigns to generate qualified leads.
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